Information meeting regarding the procurement of CIPS

On Friday October 13th 2023, the Norwegian public sector cloud marketplace (MPS) held an information meeting to review the procurement documents in relation to the published procurement for cloud infrastructure and platform services (CIPS), and what the suppliers should think about when submitting a request to participate.

Link to this article in Norwegian

During the meeting, project manager Ingrid Sørensen and programme director Sverre Stoltz talked about the purpose of the procurement, the procurement process and strategies, the tentative time schedule and how to deal with the potential, different supplier constellations when submitting.

MPS informed about the corrected announcement related to the addition of a new customer (Oslo municipality). In addition, MPS highlighted the importance of submitting an ESPD-form and a declaration of commitment if relying on the capacity of other entities.

The meeting was held with physical and digital participants. The involvement from the participants were high, with a lot of relevant and interesting questions.

MPS is looking forward to the continued process and would like to remind all suppliers of the deadline for the request to participate on Friday November 3rd at 13:00 CET.

Recording of the information meeting: information meeting procurement of CIPS

Presentation of the meeting: presentation

The competition is announced on Doffin (Norwegian) and TED (English).

Figuren viser norgeskart med mennesker
Publisert: 18. oktober 2023 Oppdatert: 20. oktober 2023


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